
Separation pain or lovesickness!

"I'll never understand how people can become so strange once they've been so close."

  Hardly any other topic is as emotional and affects us as much as the pain of separation and lovesickness - before an emotional crisis occurs.  

Our mind is particularly stressed in such highly emotional phases:


  • Thoughts like, why is this happening to me (again)? why am i not loveable why didn't I recognize some signs earlier? Why is he/she doing this to me (again and again)? how could I be so wrong? When will I finally be happy in a relationship?
  • Physical shows that in loss of appetite leading to weight loss; Difficulty sleeping, general lack of drive.
  • The feeling of not being able to move forward or backward, as if frozen and time does not heal the wound.
  • In addition, there is often excessive consumption of alcohol and nicotine.
  • Constant crying and Feelings of fear, anger, sadness, helplessness, worthlessness are the order of the day.
  • Withdrawal from the outside world, even absent from work.


What happens in our brain when we're heartbroken and separated?

It switches to a state of emergency because the burden of too many negative emotions in the time of lovesickness and the pain of separation is too great. The possibility of coping with this seems hardly or not at all possible. They activate all protective mechanisms.

What my counseling can do for those who are heartbroken and in pain of separation:


  • It organizes the feelings in your brain
  • It helps to deal with anger, pain and disappointment
  • It stabilizes emotional overreactions such as loneliness, fear of loss, and not wanting to admit it
  • It counteracts psychosomatic reactions such as insomnia, smoking and drinking
  • It strengthens you in the current situation so that you can master your everyday life again
  • It stabilizes you towards your ex-partner
  • It gives you clarity for your discussions about the divorce
  • It strengthens you when you want to break away from a triangular relationship
  • It gives you strength from a toxic relationship (on-off, narcissist, etc) to get off
  • It supports you to find the meaning of life again
  • It lets you identify your own needs so you can respond to them
  • It boosts your self-esteem, away from feeling guilty, worthless and/or useless
  • It releases fears of commitment and/or relationship patterns from childhood
  • It supports you in processing old relationship injuries, injuries from other relationships or from your family of origin, so that you can enter a new relationship free of legacy issues
  • It also supports your children and young people during a separation so that there are no behavioral problems or problems at school.


In summary it can be said: With my counseling you will find yourself again, master this difficult phase of your life, increase your self-esteem and improve your relationship skills for the future.

overcome the pain of separation

Dear Ms. Katzenschlager,
many thanks for our last counseling session. I have the feeling like newborn. All the heaviness, grief and anxiety are blown away. Looks like I had been in a very difficult condition. Even when I remember my ex-husband I feel well balances. I have a lot of ideas how I can enjoy my life. I can positively look forward and can see the handsome people around me.
many thanks for helping me! Kindly, Bettina, Manager

Do you recognize yourself? Do you want to deal with lovesickness and the pain of separation more calmly, more maturely and with emotional strength? And become more stable in your relationships?

Then I would be happy to invite you to a free, non-binding, 30-minute telephone consultation in which we can find out how I can help you.

To make an appointment, please WhatsApp me on +436642119997 or send me an email to:

What else could be

Perhaps there are also stressful issues from your childhood that burden or even prevent happy relationships. Would you like us to take a closer look at this together? Find out why it's never too late to have a happy childhood.

You should know that

My psychological practice is recognized by the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO). Quality institution for systematic constellation work and burnout prevention

Read here

my article to "Is my partner a narcissist?"- how to separate from and process toxic relationships.

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