
Finally! This is how you free yourself forever from your inner blockages and find contact with yourself!

  Do you know that? Clear view felt barrier! Somehow you don't find any prospects and don't seem to get in touch with your talents. You have so much potential.  

How is this and what can you do about it?

It is negative, stored emotional experiences that block you. How is that expressed?


  • in your behavior
  • In your skills
  • In your values
  • In your beliefs
  • In your identity
  • In your affiliation
  • In your visions, goals and results


The dramatic is:

Long-lasting blockages stress you out. Psychosomatics come into play as a result of this constant stress, because the body loses valuable life energy. And you lose more and more contact with yourself.

With my Emotion-Counseling we solve these blockages easily and quickly

You can compare it to a clogged water pipe. If we loosen the blockage, the water can flow again. When we release your emotional blocks, new neural connections can be made that will give you the behavior you have long desired.

You feel better, are more balanced and much more efficient.

I offer you my cooperation on these topics:


  • You want to process disappointments, shattered dreams or setbacks and leave them behind
  • They have too many emotional reactions such as anger, rage, being annoyed, panic, sadness, depression, helplessness, guilt, shame, insult, degradation, disgust, hatred
  • In addition, there is physical stress such as shortness of breath, tiredness, pain, overexertion, exhaustion, too much hunger (chocolate, chips & co), thirst (alcohol) or too much nicotine, PC, FB
  • You want to do X, but keep doing Y over and over again
  • You have destructive-hurt or hurtful ego states (personality parts)
  • You cannot implement your goals, visions, dreams or pursue them sustainably because you block inner boundaries
  • You have decision blocks and inner conflicts
  • You have a negative self-image, low self-esteem
  • You have hindering beliefs
  • You have no access to your resources, sources of strength, positive self-motivation or creativity
  • You cannot find a fulfilling job, relationship or area of life (at home)


"If you know who you are, you can be whoever you want"

Blockages and negative thoughts overcome

Dear Ms. Katzenschlager,
I wanted to let you know that something has changed... I'm noticing that I'm more relaxed, my thoughts aren't spinning in circles, I can concentrate better on my work and I'm more confident. Many Thanks
Elizabeth, General Manager

Do you see yourself in any of these themes?

With my emotion coaching we dissolve these blockages with pinpoint accuracy . And many of my clients can attest to that.

I use the myostatic test (muscle test). He helps to find the root of the problem and with interventions like EMDR, EmTrace® or Brainlog  we will solve your blockades!

And you experience these positive effects:


  • You will be free from your blocking initial situation.
  • Your life energy increases.
  • Your well-being increases.
  • You become more relaxed.
  • You take action.
  • You look to the future with more hope.
  • You know how to take control of your life.



To make an appointment, please WhatsApp me on +436642119997 or send me an email to:

Have you thought about it?

Sometimes it's just anxiety that blocks you and prevents us from taking action. Do you want to learn how to overcome these fears? You'll find more about it here…

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